License Management Program

Easy management of your complex Atlassian software and add-on licenses.


Brikit will work within your budget and procurement cycles for new licenses and renewals to:

  • Support budget forecasts
  • Provide single, multi-vendor quotes and invoices
  • Generate automatic renewal quotes aligned with your procurement cycle
  • Synchronize renewal dates
  • Monitor vendors for price increases and provide alerts and "grandfather" quotes
  • Provision licenses with valid purchase order (for approved accounts)


Covered by the  Service Terms Agreement  
(sorry, no alterations or substitutions).

Program Fee: no charge

Punchcard Uses

  • Graphic Design
  • Proof of Concepts
  • Content Design & Development
  • Training
  • Customization
  • Configuration
  • Technical Research
  • Requirements Analysis

The Fine Print


Making efficient use of your punchcard time is important to us. Punchcards are used in 15-minute increments. Note that there is a natural trade-off between response times and quantity of work we can do in one punchcard.

Efficient Use

With your punchcard, you'll get a private portal on our site.

What generally works best is to create pages in your portal to handle individual topics (examples: Site Configuration, or User Training). Then have your team use the Comment feature to post comments, feedback, questions, or whatever as they come in. Once you're ready for us to get involved, just post a comment saying so.

We'll be watching your portal space, so we'll get notified as your comments are posted, but we won't spend any time until you specifically ask us to. Then we'll respond with a comment letting you know we got it, and when you can expect an answer. This way, you get the most from your punchcard time, and nothing gets lost or overlooked in old email streams.

Of course, sometimes emergencies crop up. So feel free to email, call, or instant message your designated contant, but be aware that those will use an extra 15-minute "emergency charge" on top of the normal time. For more detail on how these work, see the Faster Response section.

Faster Response

For faster response, feel free to email, call, or instant message the person you are working with, but be aware of two limitations:

  • depending on our at-the-moment workload, we may need to schedule a time that works for both of us
  • these communications are subject to the 15-minute punchcard increments, plus an additional 15-minute increment "emergency charge"

Of course, emergency charges can consume a punchcard very quickly, so here are some ground rules to help you get the most with this method:

  • the 15-minute emergency charge occurs, plus the 15-minute increment window begins once we respond (review your message or answer your call)
  • multiple emails/messages/phone calls count as one increment if we complete the exchange with that 15-minute window
  • you can ask us to limit time, and we'll let you know when you're about to go over

We hope this strikes a fair balance between being responsive and getting our other tasks done during the day. Of course, we welcome feedback on how this works for you, and we're open to suggestions.


Commercial and academic product license holders are entitled to product support without a punchcard. Yet many organizations also purchase punchcards to get extra help. If you're in this situation, how do you know when your query is product support, and when it is charged to your punchcard?

Product Support

If your query is about how to use our products in general, feature inquiries, bug workarounds, or similar, it's support. Support queries usually take the form, "How do I do X in your product?" Bottom line: it's support if users in other organizations might reasonably have the same problem or pose the same question. For support queries, please open a support ticket.


If your query is about how to do something specific to your deployment, it's appropriate for your punchcard. More obvious areas include training, graphic design, configuration, content structure and design, and so forth. Punchcard queries are made through your portal or directly to our individual staff (see License Management Program).

Not Sure?

Just ask!